The 2024 – 2025 Private School Approval Applications are available now and due April 1, 2024.  Existing private schools must use the RENEWING private school form.  This means:

  • Previously approved schools with a building code
  • Previously approved schools planning to change the school name, or schools that have changed the name of the school since the previous approval period

If you have questions about the approval application process, join the final Zoom info session on Wed, March 27, between 11:30 and 12:30 pm.

NEW Schools should use the 2024-25 NEW Private School Application:

  • New schools planning to conduct a program of kindergarten and at least grade one, or a program of any or all grades one through twelve
  • Established schools operating or opening an additional campus or location with a separate mailing address from the main campus

Troubleshooting with the portal

  1. Schools frequently experience issues using Google Chrome. Please try a different browser if you cannot download or upload your staffing report.
  2. Double-check the format of the document you are trying to upload:

Certificate of Compliance and inspection report**. Upload a PDF, JPG, PNG, or GIF file – PDF is preferred!

Staffing Report (download): Use the Excel .xls or .xlsx format.

**The State Board requires each school to have an inspection by the county health department every three years.

  • Renewing schools will be asked to confirm the date of their latest inspection on the approval form, but the state board DOES NOT need the inspection paperwork.
  • Only if your school has changed location or undergone a major renovation will you need to upload inspection documentation.
  • If your school has not had an inspection in the last three years, you must schedule one. If that appointment is outside the Approval timeline, please submit the date of your scheduled inspection on the approval application. A school’s approval will be “provisional” until the inspection is completed.


Zoom Support Session

If you have questions about the approval application process, stop in during the final Zoom information session on Wednesday, March 27th, between 11:30–12:30 pm.


Application Confirmation

When you click “submit” at the end of the Approval Application, you will receive a confirmation email along with a PDF of your application. Please forward this email to appropriate persons in your organization and save the PDF.

If your application is complete and your school is ready for recommendation to the State Board for approval, the month of the board meeting will be listed on the Excel spreadsheet on the SBE website along with the recommendation for either full or provisional approval. If there is an issue with your application, you will be notified there as well.