CAPE on Capitol Hill

The Council of American Private Education’s Executive Director, Michael Schuttloffel, was recently joined by representatives of the Association of Christian Schools International, the National Association of Independent Schools, and the National Catholic Educational...

Win in the 4th Circuit for Private Schools

From the Council of American Private Education: Private school advocates are applauding a federal appeals court ruling that “501(c)(3) status does not constitute receipt of federal financial assistance.” Yesterday’s decision by the United States Court of Appeals for...

CAPE Annual Meeting in DC

WFIS attended the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) meeting on March 10-11 in DC. State CAPE leaders joined the CAPE board of directors for part of the day, then visited the US Dept of Ed to talk with the Office of NonPublic Education’s (ONPE)...

WFIS steps down from leading the State CAPE Network

WFIS’ Suzie Hanson chaired the National State Cape Network, the network of 38 state advocacy organizations for seven years. John Elcesser (IN), Jim Cultrara (NY), and Tim Benz (MN) will take over the duties of chair of the network this month. Suzie...