Much appreciation to our newly assigned Professional Education Advisory Board representatives for volunteering their time as on behalf of the WA private school community:

Cassandra Leigh of Yakima Adventist Christian School has joined the PEAB advising Yakima Valley Community College’s BAS in K-12 education

Connor Geraghty of St. Mike’s in Olympia is now the PEAB rep for Saint Martin’s University

David Kelly of Explorer West Middle School has joined Seattle Pacific University’s K-12 Teacher Education PEAB

Gregory Cox, Assistant Principal at O’Dea is participating on the Admin PEAB at Seattle University

Eric Rasmussen, Head of School at King’s Schools is part of the Educational Leadership ADMIN PEAB at SPU

Principal Heather Remillard of Saint Paul’s Cathedral is PEAB for Heritage University’s Educational Admin PEAB

Julie Kalmus of University Child Development School is a PEAB on the UW P-3 Pro-Cert on Educational Leadership in Washington

Janet Hubbard, assistant head of school at NOVA School is the new PEAB representative on APCAC

WFIS validates the diversity of Washington’s private school community through our role as the appointing agent for the private school representative seat on college and university Professional Education Advisory Boards (PEABs). 

Add your name to the list for upcoming PEAB opportunities or recommend a colleague HERE