This summer WFIS participated in three, three-day weekend alignment panel negotiations in addition to several hours per week of discussion and consensus building with various stakeholders. At the negotiations the five teams – childcare centers, licensors, ECEAP providers, in-home care providers, and parents – each had at least 10 participants. Regulations were dissected, changed or abolished, voted on, changed again, voted on and then weighted according to risk of harm to children. This complicated, inclusive process is supported by DEL who has hired consultants to help with the logistics.
The negotiations will continue into the next couple of months.
In the end, we hope for more meaningful rules that are easier to follow and less nit picky. However, many childcare providers are still concerned about the WACs, in particular: Professional Development Requirements.
Please send WFIS your concerns on the WACs. The portal to DEL is closed, but WFIS is collecting comments and will negotiate according to suggestions made.
The outline to the right provides a good summary of the work WFIS has participated in with DEL on behalf of our schools.
WFIS partners with the Early Learning Action Alliance throughout the entire year. The efforts of our joint advocacy coalition have been instrumental in increasing subsidies for Working Connections. WFIS has been at every meeting for the alignment of the licensing standards, and seeks to share updated information about changes in early learning with private school communities.