First Aid Kits – Chapter 110-300 WAC.

Everything on the list needs to be included.

Staff Files – Chapter 110-300 WAC.

Ensure all items on the list are included in physical staff files and that all staff have updated their info (Health and Safety, Education) in MERIT.

Postings – Chapter 110-300 WAC.

All relevant items must be on the posting board.

Child Files –  Chapter 110-300 WAC.

Ensure you have access to child files that include all the items listed.


  • Be ready to show your sign-in/sign-out sheets for both kids and staff.
  • You can explain the toothbrushing activities that you are doing or provide the signed sheet (parent handbook?) for parents to not have toothbrushing at school.
  • Your refrigerator must have a thermometer for storing lunches that kids bring from home. They don’t seem to be accepting ice packs for refrigeration – have to show that any foods that need to be refrigerated are in something that shows it is 42 degrees or lower.
  • Document that you are tracking drills (fire, earthquake, lockdown).
  • The 3-step cleaning process and properly labeled bottles – ensure all hazardous materials, including wipes and sanitizer, are not present.
  • Show safe, secure tracking of medication.

See Childcare Requirements to Test Drinking Water for lead and copper.

Here is the link to the licensors for our early learning programs:

Thank you to Dave Mayer, our Private Schools Representative on the DCYF Fair Start for Children Subcommittee, for this list of reminders.