When WFIS engages legislators about policy needs, having data that proves private school families are their constituents and private school enrollment is strong is the most powerful tool. Every school should complete the annual private enrollment report to convey the strength of our numbers.
Over 50% of the private schools have submitted their 2023-2024 Private School Enrollment Report. The report needs to be completed by 5 pm on November 17. It is a process that takes time.
Start by filling out the Enrollment Reporting Excel Worksheet before completing the online form. This helps ensure accuracy.
Information Requested:
- The total number and demographics of full-time, in-person kindergarten through 12th-grade students by grade. (Race/ethnicity categories are specified in federal regulation.)
- The total number of full-time and part-time students in Early Learning/Pre-K programs. No demographics are needed.
Additional information is available on SBE’s website.