WFIS needs your advocacy support to help convince Gov. Inslee that the ARP EANS funding ($40M) should be used to support private schools, as was intended by Congress. Please send comments to Governor Inslee on how and why ARP EANS funds that are now GEER funds should be utilized in the private schools to support our students.

OSPI confirmed that the OFM (Office of Financial Management) received the formal letter stating the $40 million EANS funds had been reverted to the Governor’s Office. Still, no decision has been made on how the funds will be used.

Emergency Assistance for Non-public Schools was intended to be wide-spanning coronavirus crisis relief. Instead, in the hands of state oversight, it became an unnecessarily convoluted “system” of narrowing barriers preventing non-public schools’ access to resources for real issues faced by their students.

WFIS has continued to share school concerns, suggestions for next steps and other states’ revamped programs for private schools to access these federally appropriated funds for their students. However, the Governor’s cold shoulder needs to be tapped.