If your school would like to remain as a Washington State Approved Clock Hour Provider for 2019-2020, the applications are due by August 20, 2019.  Use this link to apply: 2019-2020 Clock Hour Approval Application .
If you have multiple campuses, you must submit each building code in question 1 on the application. For example Mountainside Academy; 5555, 2136, 4478.  **Building code is the same as your OSPI # which can be looked up HERE.
After August 20, 2019, schools cannot be added to the 2019-2020 Clock Hour list retroactively! 
If you have any additional inquiries, contact: 
Britiney Williams
Forms and Records Analyst 2/Clock Hour Specialist
Professional Certification
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
600 Washington St. SE | Olympia, WA 98504-7200
P.O. Box 47200 | Olympia, WA 98504-7200
Office: 360-725-6400| Email cert@k12.wa.us