Following the Governor’s plan for Phases and Tiers educators are on track to be vaccinated. Some county health departments are doing some planning around Phase 2 but not related to the planning that is being undertaken by OSPI-Kaiser for an educator roll out. Both are moving forward with how to roll-out vaccinations.
Communication at times feels incongruent between agencies.  Each public health county vaccination approach to planning & communication on how to roll out B-2 is varied.  Some counties have specific plans to work with schools or incorporate schools in their programs.  King County is not developing a plan for educators (neither public or private) and has emphasized in their communication that “no one bumps Tiers”.  Whereas OSPI has been consistent that the Kaiser plan for educators will roll out following the Governor’s opening Phase 1 B-2 and conveyed flexibility that staff within B-2, B-3, B-4 will flow for school staff simultaneously.  It is not the intent of a program to vaccinate one set of school personnel and not another.  A school is open because everyone is able to do their job!
Staffs are still encouraged to get vaccinated as they are eligible by Tier or because of a relationship with a provider who can supply and administer the dose(s). Private school staff often have ties with parents, local medical clinics, etc in which a unique partnership could be established. Some schools have done this and their staffs are vaccinated!  
WFIS supports schools that wish to reach out locally to establish an employee vaccination relationship.  As the advocate for private schools, WFIS will continue to engage & advise leaders of the OSPI-Kaiser plan to develop systems that work for schools, to ensure all staff in a school receive the vaccination equitably and efficiently.