Professional Education Advisory Boards
WFIS is the appointing agency for committees that include private school representation in the development of educational policy.
Professional Education Advisory Boards (PEABs) cooperatively participate on the development, implementation and revision of college and university teaching and education programs in WA State. PEABs typically meet three times per year to advise colleges and universities on program designs, assessments and candidate admissions; as well as review performance data, follow-up studies and placement records to make recommendations for program improvements.
PEABs support continual improvement to the degree and certification programs throughout WA State as discriminating advisors and educational advocates. The New PEAB member handbook outlines everything the State expects and provides regarding work on a Professional Education Advisory Board.
WFIS also appoints representatives to the Admissions and Professional Conduct Committee (APCAC), the WA Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP), the Early Learning Advisory Committee (ELAC), the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), and committees on School Rules Revision and School Safety.
PEAB: Colleges and Universities
Colleges & Universities can contact WFIS to appoint a teacher or admin to their PEAB using this form.
PEAB members are expected to:
- Actively participate in developing programming and content for the college or university education degree on which they are collaborating
- Participate in discussions with private school educator experience in mind
- Advocate for student success by helping universities and colleges develop relevant and high quality professional degrees
- Serve at least one full term (either two-year or three-years depending on request from college)
- Provide advance notice of a necessary absence and make arrangements for follow up
- Report to WFIS any changes to the board expectations, term or your availability
PEAB representatives are selected to represent WFIS and fellow private school educators. Attributes taken into consideration during selection process:
- Geographic location,
- Experience,
- Area of expertise,
- Desire to Serve,
- Support from current school administrator
Considerations for selection include:
- Not currently active on any other PEAB
- Commitment to and involvement with independent education
- Teacher or Administrative certification is helpful
- Experience in Public Schools is helpful
- Promote the private education profession by ensuring that programming and degrees meet standards and best practices while supporting student needs.
- Gain collaborative experience with other teaching professionals outside of your school community.
Please review the PEAB Member Handbook for complete rules & responsibilities as outlined by WA State.
Requests to reimburse costs associated with substitutes for public and private school teachers should be processed via SPI FORMS 605 and 720 (see instructions in Part IV). Private school substitutes can be reimbursed.
After Each PEAB Meeting: Form SPI 720 / Submission Deadline
Receive prepared current substitute teacher reimbursement invoice voucher–PEAB_SPI FORM 720 2010.04, rev. 4/10 (Appendix D) from the teacher or from the Program/PEAB Administrator or designee. Current forms must be used. Old forms will be returned for reprocessing.
Ensure form is current. If the form is not current, the private K12 school contacts Program/PEAB Administrator or designee for current form.
Appropriate business office representative fills in the rate and amount and sign the form.
Mail completed FORM SPI 720 (rev. 4/10) to the Fiscal Office, Superintendent of Public Instruction, PO Box 47200, Olympia WA 98504-7200, no later than 30 days after the meeting.
Submit all forms by June 30, the end of the fiscal year. Forms received after the close of the fiscal year cannot be processed. Incomplete forms will be returned unprocessed.