Each week schools can find an updated list with the status of approval applications posted on the Private School Approval | SBE (wa.gov) website.

The list will convey whether your application is:

  1. Complete or Partial,
  2. Reviewed or pending review, and
  3. Fully Approved or Provisional for schools the SBE board has voted.

The SBE board will meet in June to review and vote on all remaining applications. Schools will be notified of their approval determination within two weeks of voting. Afterward, Certificates of Approval will be available to download on the Private Schools Page.

The deadline for schools to submit their 2023 – 2024 Renewing Private School Application was April 28. The SBE will review late applications, but by law, the school must file for approval at least 90 days before the beginning of the school year to open for students.

For additional questions or support, contact Nicole Mulhausen at privateschools@k12.wa.us