The Association of Washington Student Leaders is seeking a current high school sophomore from Western Washington to serve a two-year term on the Association of WA Student Leaders (AWSL) Student Voice & Advisory Council, who will also serve as the student representative to the State Board of Education (SBE).
Our private school students are encouraged to apply by the March 31st deadline.
The AWSL Student Voice Network comprises high school students from every region of the state. The AWSL SVN lends student voice to local state, national, and legislative issues while providing insight and perspective to the Association of Washington Student Leaders. The AWSL Student Voice Network meets once monthly (via zoom) and corresponds weekly.
The AWSL SVN also serves as an advisory council for our State Board of Education student representatives. The AWSL Student Voice Network also coordinates with the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP), develops curriculum, engages in conversation, and facilitates teaching with building leaders across Washington State.
The AWSL SVN focuses on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) for students and the P-16 school system. The SVN authors and writes curriculum engages in deep conversation presents to educational stakeholders and supports AWSL and AWSP in tackling historical inequities in the P-16 school system.
The State Board of Education Student Advisory Council supports the two Student Representatives on the State Board of Education. The SBESAC provides insight, feedback, stories, and perspective to the student representatives. Opportunities to testify and work closely with the SBE are made available. The SBE Student Advisory Council meets prior to SBE board meetings four to five times a year.