Advancing the Summer Learning with Neural Education

At the 2022 Neural Education Summer Conference, educators in school teams collaborated to integrate new structures and learning experiences to meet the needs of their students. Each group left the workshop with a plan for integrating neuroscience into their learning spaces.

This Spring Workshop will focus on revisiting the team’s plan created last summer and recognizing successes and challenges. In addition, neural Education Champions will work alongside teams to address barriers, determine action steps, and co-create implementation tools.

Agenda for each evening with workshop registration per date below.

March 28 Workshop Registration

Live virtual presentation from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

April 4 Workshop Registration

A live repeat of the virtual presentation from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

  • FREE to educators employed by SBE-approved private schools.
  • All training materials provided.
  • Qualifies for FREE clock hours!
  • Attend one or both sessions!

For more information, please get in touch with Pat Smithson.