The Board shares its Advocacy Agenda here with WFIS Members and asks for comments or questions to be sent to We appreciate member’s guidance and thoughts as we move forward.
Thank you, in advance, for your participation.
Suzie Hanson,
Executive Director of the Washington Federation of Independent Schools

1: SCHOOL SAFETY FUNDING: WFIS will work to provide private school inclusion in state funding plans for school safety.
Most important for budget allocation:
- A Communication System for direct communication to a school about an emergency situation within its proximity.
- Mapping of private school facilities.
2: Designate a Private School Seat on the PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR STANDARDS BOARD:
The WFIS Board will work to reinstate a seat on the PESB. The PESB sets the standards for teacher certification requirements.
The WFIS board will explore private school interest in helping to increase access for children to all different kinds of schools in Washington.
On behalf of all of our early learning programs, WFIS will work to increase subsidies for children to attend preschool.
Along with these advocacy goals, WFIS continues its work on establishing strong private school leadership at OSPI including an Ombuds for Title Funds, building and maintaining strong relationships between public and private schools within the WIAA, ESDs, OSPI, DEL and the Washington Art Education Association, working directly with legislators and fostering relationships between the private schools.