The Washington State Legislative Session starts on January 8, 2024. It is a short or supplemental budget session that lasts 60 days instead of 105 and ends on March 7. The prefile date for bills is December 1.
WFIS is working on changing Senate Bill 5048, which passed last year but left private school students out of receiving free college credits for taking college in-the-classroom courses offered by public universities and community/tech colleges.
We are also working with the sponsor of HB 1377. The bill died late in the session last year. This law would allow all clock-hour providers to offer CCDEI courses to support teachers needing fifteen CCDEI clock hours to renew their certification.
Early learning directors are formulating their advocacy agenda, which includes but is not limited to allowing private schools to have Transitional K programs, requiring licensors to schedule their licensing visits with the directors, and requesting funding to improve the background check system, among other issues we will share with member schools in two weeks.
Thank you for your ongoing participation as WFIS continues to build relationships with legislators, lobbyists, and private school friends to protect your missions and allow schools their independence.