DEL has submitted a budget package to the Governor that includes 300 million dollars in the next biennium for early learning: this is a 50% growth. Most of this money is earmarked for the state early learning program for low-income children know as ECEAP (E-CAP). The ECEAP program is soon to become an entitlement program for low-income families. The state is working to create full day programs for all qualifying children. DEL is interested in working with private schools who might be willing to consider opening their doors to ECEAP programs. Please contact DEL for more information.
DEL has a couple of other areas of focus for the funding as well. It wants to offer an electronic attendance tool for subsidy providers; improve the monitoring system for licensors so that they act more as a resource towards quality rather than a compliance and punishment system; and realign the licensing standards to incorporate ECEAP standards and the current WACs within the framework of The Early Achievers Program.
WFIS has heard some concerns from the private schools on the realignment of the WACs. We encourage schools to look at the changes in the regulations, which can be found here:
Alignment Advisory Committee WAC Drafts Group Review (Summer 2016 version)
- Standards Alignment Index
- Definitions
- Intent and Authority
- Child Outcomes
- Family Engagement and Partnerships
- Professional Development, Training and Requirements
- Environment
- Interactions and Curriculum
- Program Administration and Oversight
Private school educators are encouraged to share your thoughts with DEL or contact WFIS to discuss.