WFIS supports legislation that expands the list of clock-hour providers allowed to offer mandatory CCDEI training to private school teachers renewing their certification.  Currently, only a small group of public school-based organizations are allowed to offer CCDEI clock hours. The limitation in the law creates a backlog of teachers needing access to professional development. Private school organizations that offer high-quality professional development cannot currently offer these specific clock hours.
The Private School Advisory Committee (PSAC) supports the CCDEI Standardsand would like to remedy the limitations of who can offer these clock hours. It was agreed at the last meeting that a request for expansion of the law is needed.  PSAC is a committee of private school leaders that meets twice a year with OSPI and a variety of departments to discuss and analyze new state programs and their impact on private schools. The advisory committee offers perspective and builds relationships. In addition, PSAC helps ensure the health and well-being of private school students, teachers, and staff.