WFIS hosted Mike Patello, Christ the King’s facilities manager, who provided perspective on his work to align the diocesan schools in Yakima with the Clean Buildings requirements.
The good news is that Tier 1 schools (buildings over 50,000 sq ft.) have several years to comply with the established Tier I energy standards. They need to be tracking their energy consumption now.
The challenge is that Tier 1, Tier 2 (20K-50K), and eventually all schools must build systems to track their energy usage and improve efficiency. This is a time-consuming process.
Here is a link to the Clean Buildings Slide Presentation provided by Rick Alexander at ESD112’s Construction Services Group last January. Though the CSG Clean Buildings consulting program was dissolved shortly after this presentation, all the steps and guidance provided remain true.
Please share information with your facilities and accounting personnel so they can get started using the Energy Star Portal. Getting familiar with this portal is critical. Mike mentioned that he thinks the portal is user-friendly, and the sooner each school gets comfortable with it, the better.
Mike is willing to answer your questions. Let us know what’s on your mind about the Clean Buildings Act.